MIDI Files  

These MIDIs are arranged for piano in SMF format 0.  They should play on all Disklaviers,  PianoDisc and QRS Pianomation systems with floppy disk drives.

To download a song  select a  category ,  right-click on the song title, then click Save Target As and select a folder on your hard drive or floppy disk. Copy the MIDI files to a floppy disk.  For PianoDisc and Disklaviers older than the MarkIIXG system, (Wagon grand, MX100A/B, MX80s, MarkII) you must use the older 720k Double Density disks.

    Ragtime, Novelty Piano

    Special Favorites

    Classical Favorites                                     

Some places to find MIDI files on the Internet for piano:
Some of these sites offer MIDI files for sale, but also have wonderful collections for free downloading.

Piano Roll Scans from Terry Smythe  http://members.shaw.ca/smythe/rebirth.htm

Spencer's E-Rolls  www.spencerserolls.com

Sue Keller's jazz and ragtime www.rtpress.com

Warren Trachtman's collection www.trachtman.org/ragtime

Perfessor Bill Edwards archive at:  http://www.perfessorbill.com/

John Roache Ragtime piano  http://www.johnroachemusic.com

John Farrell stride piano  http://homepages.tesco.net/~stridepiano/midifiles.htm

Doug McKenzie jazz solo piano  http://home.wanadoo.nl/dougmckenzie/ 

Renee's Piano Bar at http://www.nurisite.com/midisonly/pianobar/pianobar.htm  

Bob Mace at http://www.scottj.f9.co.uk/bobmidi.htm for contemporary songs.

Classical piano files  http://www.classicalarchives.com/

Order Yamaha Disklavier disks  http://www.yamahamusicsoft.com/disklavier/index.php

Order disks from QRS at www.qrsmusic.com

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